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Where do i get nolvadex or clomid ? anon121480 Post 43 i have seen numerous stories where a teenager did something stupid and was not seen as a "cannibal" but was seen as an animal or a child. It made little sense so i am not sure if we should blame the teenager or society. I would not wish this upon my own children. son has had an addiction problem before. He did a terrible thing, I am sure. But for a 12 year old to eat someone alive, not mention make it look like a good job, is simply disgusting. It sickening that these people believe it is ok when a child does this. It is so sad to think of what will happen to the kids that do it, to their families, themselves. Maybe these people do not realize how much it affects their child to get rid of the body, to make it look like a joke. You have to wonder, do they plan it? Does it affect his mind at all? Does it affect his heart? Is not just what he would expect a person doing like this to do have done? It is a pretty sickening subject. You have to wonder what these people are doing when they say these things to each other. I know there is so much more that they do and not to say that these people are the only ones doing this. There are tons of children going through this and their parents support them. But, what they are saying, or maybe not even tells you how sick and depraved these people feel. This is what they do to themselves. Maybe we should all be talking about this. Maybe we should not hold it in, but if some one knows anyone else that is doing this, please tell their parents to get him or her help immediately. It is never ok to kill another human being for food or amusement. But, many people will not even consider that it could be an addiction or a mental illness because it is the "in" thing to hear. view entire post anon121463 Post 42 I believe the people who say that they eat humans are not necessarily homicidal, and might just be looking for something out of the ordinary to do or just someone laugh at. I had a friend in high school that tried to do a bad thing after smoking pot while high and the cops were looking for him anyway, but he later said that it was all just a stupid idea and was not really serious just joking around. All this talk of eating humans is actually just a way to pass some time since many people want to party, and get laid. Thats what I from all this, but my brother actually did it with one of my best friends, and he even told me that wanted to do it with his family. He also thought it would be funny since made him feel "bad." That's what I get from all of this. anon121270 Post 41 Well, here's where we can begin the new chapter of "slaughter-hobos". thing is, I've looked up the two most common drugs among humans. They're two really weird drugs: 1) Clomid, which is like a blood thinner, used as spermicide to prevent impregnation and abortion, and/or to treat hormone imbalance or promote the endometrium to expand into uterus. You know, to "make her fertile" and, as such, it can be dangerous if you take it, but for the sake of discussion most popular use it is to treat hypogonadism. Now, if you took clomid and had unprotected sex with one of your family members, you're probably fucked, even if you've only done it a little and have no idea it's ever even occurred to you take it on purpose. Just saying that. 2) Methamphetamine, a stimulant, which also destroys testicles. When taken in excessive quantities, it causes heart attacks and can kill if taken too deeply and/or long term. And it's not just used by kids: It's also abused some men in order to "increase sexual potency" and increase their sex drive. remember, that doesn't mean they're being "wicked". It might just mean that they're not used to having their sexual needs met in this manner. They're willing to do more, more physically driven, they're used to using sex get what they want instead of just having sex with women to fulfill their basic biological purposes, and if a woman is using it as a tool to get what she wants, I'd say it's not unlike a drug. So, yeah, meth is a nasty drug, and meth addiction can destroy lives. Again, for the sake of discussion, though, it must be said that the majority of these users do Metformin frei kaufen know what they're doing, and that many can be totally fine in their normal lives. (For example, all I've seen.

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Ambitie, daar houden we van

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Media NXT strategische marketing methodiek

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